Tuesday 1 March 2011

Day 60: What a girl needs...

I think about my blog photo far.too.much. each day. This morning when I got up for work I thought "It's SO yummy and sunny outside...I could take a photo out the window for the blog!" And I did, but it just didn't express how lovely it was. Scrapped that idea. Then once I was ready for work I thought "Oh, I like my outfit today...I could take a photo of it for the blog!" And I did, but it just didn't express how amazing my outfit was! (HA...it actually wasn't that amazing) Scrapped that idea. While I was at work I thought "Wowee, my keyboard looks pretty darn snazzy, I could take a photo for the blog!" Just kidding, that would just be sad. There wasn't actually any point at work that I wanted to take a photo of. But it was on my mind!  And then when I was leaving work, and walking towards JD, I realised he had been attacked by seagull poop, and thought "JD's first seagull poop! I could take a photo for the blog!" Don't worry, I didn't. Cause I instantly realised how disgusting that would be. Bleugh. So yes, this blog has taken over my life...Ha.

After cleaning off the seagull poop, which thankfully was just on my windscreen, so after a few scooshes of the screen wash JD was all clean again, I was listening to Radio 1 on the drive home. Scott Mills was talking to his friend Chris, who apparently has no life, about what he was planning on doing tonight. Which was go round to his friends, eat curry, and play FIFA. Now, the FIFA thing didn't tempt me, not surprisingly, but the curry thing did, which is VERY surprising. It's not often I crave a curry...in fact, it's very very...very rare. But when Mum phoned from work asking what I fancied doing for dinner I suggested takeaway! Thankfully this idea was tempting to Mum. Woop! Technically what I had can't really be classed as a REAL curry. It was sweet and delicious, and not one tiny bit spicy. Mmmmm. And the pashwari naan was a wonderful extra. Sooo gooood!

And before I went to pick up the takeaway I popped to Tesco and bought some essentials...milk, de-icer and a pathetic wee scraper for JD :) He's very excited. But hopes he doesn't need to use them very often!

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying how you are giving JD a wee personality :)
