Friday 18 March 2011

Day 77: I'm sitting next to someone pretty awesome right now...

...or not. I'm sitting next to Murdo Murchison. Woop! Woop! And I'm coming to you live from The Youth Conference 2011! Woohoo! Everyone's currently having supper, and I feel like a bit of a computer geek sitting here writing my blog post for the day. I'm secretly very excited that I'm connected to the Lendrick Muir wireless...woop!

I have to tell everyone how massively impressed I am with my girlies from the car journey today. Not only were they ready for me picking them up (perfectly on time, might I add), but they all packed lightly! I was so chuffed when everything slotted in to the boot perfectly. If it had been a game of tetris, everything would've disappeared and I would've got LOADS of points! Ha...yeup. I have a photo to prove this beautiful moment to you...
And I also attempted to take a photo of all the girlies in the car, but sadly Rachel and I are too massive to let anyone else in the photo! So then I took a photo of the 3 girls on their own in the back seat, but I'm not pleased with the quality of the photo, so it's not blog worthy.

I'm quite impressed with how early I'm posting this...I'm tempted to go bed in about 10 minutes...ha! I'm so tired. But no, I will attempt to stay up a bit longer with the youngins! Speak to you all tomorrow, when I will no doubt be even more tired than I am now. Toodles!

Bye from Murdo too.

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