Friday 25 March 2011

Day 84: Theme fail!

As you can see...the above photos is not a is a set...of cheeriness...does that count? Haha. Oh dear.

So yes, I went shopping today, with the beautiful Laura who I've not seen for a few weeks. I was supposed to meet her at 10...and when i woke at 9:34, in a panic, I didn't think that was going to happen, but...ok it didn't. But close enough! I managed to get myself up, showered, and out, with a banana in hand, in to town, drop off some advertising cards to Lynsey at church, and then get to Primark by 10:15. If you're not impressed by that, you should be!

I was on the hunt for a bag for the wedding tomorrow, and Laura was simply on the hunt for absolutely anything. Haha. Just kidding, she needed some things for New Zealand! Eeeek. Exciting. And when we were in New Look I decided to point out some hilarious heels (see above photo) I'd spotted the other day...the awful thing is...I quite like them! Haha. If the cream part wasn't made of a tweed material, they'd be wonderful. The turquoise part at the front is yummy. They're proper massive you can see!! And Laura ended up trying on the pair in a different colour, as you can see! It was lots of fun!

Unfortunately, my hunt for a bag was a fail, and I ended up going back to the shops after driving Laura to Uni at 2. And Rachael was in town so came along to help me hunt. I hoped to only take an hour, so I could go home and sort out my stuff for the wedding tomorrow, but we ended up being like 3 hours! Finding a bag at the last minute. And I'm impressed to say that it fits my camera, and two camera lenses inside! Inside that amazing!? No, it's not a rucksack.

Right...Mum told me half an hour ago that we were leaving in half an hour...both of us are yet to pack our bags...and she's sitting here watching Come Dine With Me. Good times.

Right, have a good weekend everyone! Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait till Sunday for tomorrow's blog post, it's just not practical taking my laptop to a wedding and figuring out an internet connection...but I will have a photo! So it's not a fail...toodles!

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