Friday 11 March 2011

Day 69: Tea or Tea?

I know, I know. My blog post is late again. Blame Emma Lipp. She'll be getting the blame for some other stuff too tonight...

I've had a rather productive and busy day...socialising, and getting bits and bobs sorted for the Youth Conference handbook. I had a lovely afternoon at the Worthington Residence, with Lynsey and Anya, then we headed to Girl's Bible Study. And my day was finished off with a visit to the Lipp residence, with Katherine and Isabel...for tea...or tea? Haha. You see, I had misread a message from Emma, and told Isabel that we would be getting FOOD during our visit, but what Emma had said was that we'd have tea...and me being someone who basically has tea injected in to her daily, should've realised this meant the drinking kind, not dinner. So, really, I can't blame Emma. It was my fault.

When we arrived, and Niall, Emma's husband, said he would "Go put the kettle on", I thought "Oh no...what've I done...". I had to confess. I didn't want Isabel going hungry! So I blurted out my misunderstanding...we laughed...thankfully...and I went and put Emma's oven on, and took a couple pizza's out of their freezer. Haha. We were given a feast! And tea. And even CAKE!!

Thanks for a lovely evening! I'm falling asleep as I type this so I better hurry up and click 'Publish Post'.

P.S. Don't you just love Isabel's face! She's got the Openmouthedlookingforwardtocake face down to a tee!

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