Sunday 13 March 2011

Day 72: I thought I was on day 80...

There aren't really any words to describe today's blog photo...sadly I'm related to 2 of the weirdos in it.

I took it as I was leaving Church tonight, after they'd requested I get the blog done nice and early...oops. I had taken another photo earlier today...but I thought it was possibly a bit mean of me to post was a photo of a learner driver in the car in front of us on the way to church (I wasn't driving!), and they were swapping lanes last minute, not signalling, driving was annoying. I was never like that! But I was being nice, and told Mum to give them some space. Ha!

So, the learner driver got off lucky, and is instead replaced by these attractive teenagers...
Love you guys! Have fun at school tomorrow...heh heh heh.

1 comment:

  1. What??? you brought your camera tonight but forgot to bring it in the morning!!!! Boo hoo :((( Love the nutty teens!

    night night!

    Judy x
