Friday 8 April 2011

Day 98: The day they ran up Bennachie...

...while I struggled, simply walking! Ha. Oh dear. I am seriously unfit. Probably because I just drive everywhere these work, to town, to Tesco, to the kitchen. It's pretty shocking. I'm very impressed with the girls for starting out our trek jogging, and eventually, one by one, dropping down to a walking pace. If I'd started out jogging, I'd have probably collapsed after a minute, and gone back to the car to eat the food. Ha. Ok. I'm just gonna get to the photos...definitely plural. I got A LOT of good eens. But no time to put them all up, so I've tried to pick the best...Ha. Here we go!

The girls started with a good stretch...which was greatly amusing, for me! There are a few comedy stretch photos, but we'll just leave it at one...ha. And then there's a before shot...pre sweat and heavy breathing...haha.
We're jumping straight to when we reached the top, because we were all separated on the way up, and I was too busy trying to keep my heart beating to stop and take photos. Har har har...oh dear. It was preeeeeetty windy at the we were risking our lives doing jump photos...and we had to take a few because we couldn't work out how fast the camera counted to 10. Ha.
And now we MUST have some comedy cliff hanger photos...I.LOVE.ISABEL. That is all that has to be said on this.
Obviously I didn't actually kick Katherine off the edge...we all made it back safely to enjoy our delicious picnic! Made up of rolls (3 each), crisps, cupcakes, fruit, juice, and tea! Mmmm. Amazing.

So...thank you ladies for an amazing afternoon :)

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