Saturday 16 April 2011

Day 105: Out of the blue

I couldn't believe it when my eye started going blurry last night while I was editing photos. And the weird thing is, I had JUST been speaking to someone about them, what can cause them etc. So if my brain was like "Oh, migraines, yeah...she's not had one of those for a month or two now...aye, let's go for it!", then I'm very annoyed with it. I went to take the last of the 3 rizatriptan pills, or whatever they're called, that the doctor had given me. The other 2 went to waste as I took them during the nausea stage...yeup. But I hadn't got to that part yet so I thought "Yay! Let's see if they work!" And I had a wee lie down, must've fallen asleep for a little bit, and when I woke up...I wasn't feeling nauseous! Score! But, my skull felt like it was on fire. Yipee. And I felt super drowsy, so, I had to just go to bed...but not my bed, because I'd spent a good few hours cleaning my room in the afternoon, and hadn't made my bed up again yet...Joy. So, since Mum's still away, I used her bed instead. HA.

It meant I was going to bed without doing my daily blog post. I was tempted to do it quickly, but there was just no way it was gonna happen. I had taken photos yesterday, so at least it wasn't an actual fail. And without further ado here is yesterday's photo...quite similar to one I took last year when the blossom's came out. But I just love it so much, I couldn't resist!

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