Saturday 16 April 2011

Day 106: What a discovery!

Say hello to Haddo House (and Sarah)! Why on why have we never been there before?! It.Is.Incredible. Who needs to visit England for swish houses from Pride and Prejudice. This one has beautiful doors (oh yes), big curved steps, a fountain, long pathways lined with trees or flowers, and a MASSIVE lake. Which we didn't discover the location of until we looked at the map, on the way out. Therefore, we are most definitely going back! When you look at the size of the lake on the map, scaled with the size of the's like Russia compared to Great Britain. I WANT TO OWN THIS HOUSE. I would most definitely also own a boat.

Sarah and Dave, and Fin, of course, were only going to come over for lunch, and then go out somewhere, since I was still suffering from the after effects of the migraine. Or what I like to call "The Fear" - scared to go on the laptop, scared to eat certain things, not wanting to go out, in case another one came! But by 3 we decided to go out for a drive in the car, and Sarah googled different places we could go...I'm super glad we decided to go to Haddo House. And that I didn't just stay in the car, once we arrived at the car park and realised we had to get out and walk a bit rather than driving straight up in front of the house.

AND we saw an absolute beauty of a dog, so so adorable. Our hands did reek a little bit after giving him pet. Thanks to the wonderful world of google, I've discovered what it's called...Dogue de Bordeaux. Amazing. I'm either getting a pug...or one of them. Ha.

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