Thursday 21 April 2011

Day 111: Thank you Amazon

I wanted to buy a reflector, Jessops only had a 10" one, for a tenner, I think...but it was gonna cost money for delivery, and take about a week to get here! So I went on Amazon...and decided to go wild and get a 42" one, for £17 I think. Free delivery and it came 2 days later. I love Amazon.

I wanted to show what a reflector can do, but I wasn't in the mood to model, so monkey's cousin, monkey, got to pose. You're probably looking at the two photos and thinking "What difference is there??"...well, it's subtle, but there is a difference! The reflector is a 5 in 1. The cover unzips, and can be reversed to either white+gold reflectors, or silver reflector and a suck up some light if you want. And you can remove the cover completely to reveal a diffuser, which is helpful if (shock horror) the sun is in full view and causing awful eye squinting, and super dark shadows, and you need to soften it up a little :)

I used the white reflector on monkey, as the others are quite full on. The light is coming in through a window on my left, and the reflector is sitting on the bounce some of the natural light on to the shaded side of monkey. It's not a great way of showing what a massive difference a reflector can do...but it's a cute photo! Haha.

I love natural light.

1 comment:

  1. Looks a fab bit of kit and the second photo with the reflector definetely looks warmer in colour tones :) Ha what do I know???
    J xx
