Tuesday 12 July 2011

Day 193: Dave Always Entertains

Today's 365 post requires two photos, so I can put across just how amazing and highly amusing the moment was! You see, at 9 o'clock this evening, Dave decided to go climb the hill that we can see from our housie. None of the rest of us were in the mood to do it at the time, so off he went on his own. It's not a long walk, so he was up and on the phone to us in no time...we ran out to the balcony, and I grabbed the most telephoto lens I own...

Here is Part 1 (I've had to move out on to the balcony as the Internets not strong enough inside tonight...brr)
The camera's not really picking Dave up in this image, if you zoom in super duper you can slightly make him out, but our wonderfully made eyes could see him at the top of the hill...and just to be sure we were seeing him, and not a tree, we asked him to do side steps...and star jumps...

Which leads to Part two...
This is as zoomed in as my most telephoto lens can do, and zoom on Photoshop did the rest. It.Was.Hilarious seeing this for the first time...and every time after that to be honest.

I'm glad I didn't decide to go up the hill with him, as I would've missed out on this comical moment, but we'll maybe go up another night, as the view up there over the lake and Keswick is pretty nice I believe!

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