Monday 4 March 2013


Today is New Kicks Bench Monday! Last week I ordered new trainers from Ebay as I'm in serious need of doing more walking in life, and I didn't own a pair of trainers that weren't too small for my big man feet. They arrived on Friday morning before I headed to Glasgow, and when I took them out of their bag they looked enormous so I wasn't sure I'd be keeping them. But I tried them on this morning and, because I have big man feet, they fit! And they're so pretty! :) Look at them, all clean, and white with turquoise! Yum.

So I thought I'd make a good start to my week, and break them in with a nice wee walk :) But my wee walk turned in to a 5-6 mile walk because I didn't just want to walk through the village, so I headed out the road in to the countryside behind the village, which takes you along to the opposite side and then walked back home through the village. I had my awesome tunes to accompany me half way, then my silly iPhone battery died.

Oh! I've just remembered the very exciting things that happened on my walk! So, every so often, out my bedroom window, I see a girl walking her pet pug, and part of me wants to run outside and say hello and give it a wee cuddle. Well, just as I was starting my walk, I saw a girl walking down the hill, on the opposite side of the road, with a pug...and before I knew it I was crossing over the road and smiling at this girl and the pug...she took off her headphones, probably thinking "Who is this crazy lady??", and I asked if I could say hello, cause I want one! Haha. The pug was more interested in the bin men round the corner than saying hello to me. Gutted. So I didn't keep the girl standing there for long. Ha. Then, just over half way round my walk, I saw a guy coming towards me with TWO PUGS! It was like Christmas had come early. I thought I was going to keep on walking, but the man said something, so I couldn't resist starting a conversation and saying hello to the dogs. These two were far more interested in saying hello to me! I told the man I wanted one, and people always laugh at me when I say that, but that I'd read they have quite bad health issues...He proceeds to tell me that the girl is missing an eye, and she's had an operation on her hip because it keeps falling out of place...and they're only 1 year old! So that was quite sad. I don't think I'd like to have a puppy that I kept having to take to the doctors! So I don't think I'll ever get a pug...perhaps a St. Bernard instead...:)

On return from my walk, all I wanted to do was put my feet up and eat. So, once I put some washing on, and emptied the dishwasher, and made my lunch, that's what I did. I had more than just a packet of McCoy's, but they were an excellent accompaniment to my lunch! Yum.

I'm probably just going to lay back and float when I get in to the swimming pool tomorrow...

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