Sunday 9 January 2011

Day Eight : So, I've successfully completed a week!

I'm rather impressed that I've managed to keep up my daily blog post for the whole week! I know, I know, it really is only a WEEK. I shouldn't get too carried away. I've enjoyed it, and I hope you have too! Incredibly fascinating stuff this. Ha!

Ok so...what have I done today? Well...I went in to town at half 10, went to O2 and finally sorted the problems they've been having with my bills for the last 6 months(hopefully!), went to the bank to put in some monies, and asked them for some details on business accounts! Then I bought a lovely new coat in Zara with some of my monies, it has an amazing jedi master hood on it. I LOVE IT! Then I decided to put in to Topshop...a rare occassion, I know! And I tried on a very pretty Peter Pan collar dress...shown below...Isn't it pretty? Unfortunately they only had size 14s left, and it's a tad too expensive. Sob. I also went to the CLC to get my new daily reading notes, and finally went back to get my exhibition work from The Coffee House. So, if any of you would like some pretty pictures of Lewis (who wouldn't?!), that are on capa board, and have velcro pads on the back of them, then give me a shout!

I headed home after that, Sarah and Dave and my gorgeous little know I have a gorgeous nephew yes? HA. Of course you do. Well, they were round for the afternoon. Lovely! Fin is getting verrrry close to being able to sit up on his own. He was working his magic on the sofa today, very cute and highly amusing when he'd start swaying back on to the cushion. Like this...
And in the evening we headed to the lovely home of Donald and Anne Smith, for our neighbourhood fellowship group meal. It was an evening filled with delicious food and great company. The men in the corner looking serious, the women at the other end of the room laughing every few minutes, and the children with their eyes glued to the telly...or causing noisey havoc upstairs. When pudding appeared, I couldn't resist taking a photo of Judy's very yummy looking cheesecake, it was decorated oh so beautifully! And it is my official 'Photo of the Day' for today...
Wowee, that was a long blog post! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend so far. I'm looking forward to seeing students back at Church tomorrow, and we're having communion, but I'm on creche so I'll miss it. Good thing babies are cute!

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