Thursday 13 January 2011

Day 13: Die Hard's Better.

I was very excited about watching The Expendables tonight for the first time. As you can see, I had my popcorn ready, and a mug of tea (with soya milk in it because my milk had gone off. But don't worry, I've just driven to Tesco to buy more so I don't have to WALK to the shops in the morning :) The epitome of laziness now that I can drive, I know), and I was going to do my daily blog post about it. But, when the film was over, I wasn't very enthused. I don't think I can say it was completely rubbish. It was alright. But let's be honest, any film that only allows Bruce Willis 2 minutes screen time, has some major flaws!

When a guy got the upper half of his body blown off I was a little worried it was gonna be one of those silly films with people exploding and lots of fake computer generated blood flying everywhere, but thankfully there wasn't too much of that. There was however A LOT of Sylvester Stalone looking incredibly awful. He's far too muscley, and tanned, and bulgey, and vainy, and old, and tanned, and old.

And then Brucey's wonderful face came on screen :) Aah, good times. My DVD player broke at that point...paused the movie for like a minute...weiurd...yeup. And then everything was ruined again by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger walking on the scene like an old age pensioner who, might I say, has had far too much botox. Come on guys! Give it up, let Brucey take your place.

Och, I'm sorry. It was an OK movie. Lots of obviously fake looking bits, and some seriously cheesy lines going could say the same about Die Hard, but it was made in 1989!! It's allowed to be cheesy. And Brucey's in it. Mmmm. Ha, ok, rant over. I wasn't going to do my blog post about this movie, but after thinking for ages of what I could photograph, and even photographin the bottle of milk I'd bought in Tesco!! I thought, no, go have a moan.

So after all that, my apologies to the very kind person who lent me the DVD tonight, thank you, but you'll be getting it back very soon! :) Good night everyone. Tomorrow's post should be MUCH better as I'm hoping to pay a visit to the Lipp residence. Yay!

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