Wednesday 12 January 2011

Day 12: Neighbourhood Fellowship

Now...I'm no great theological writer...or any sort of great or theological fact, I feel I often make little sense when I write or say something smart or wise...or try to describe something...kind of like now! But anyway, where's the going you ask? Well, we had neighbourhood fellowship tonight, we were looking at Mark 4 v 35 - 5 vs 43, and right at the very beginning we were asked this question...

"What makes you afraid?"

One person in the group told us one of their fears from when they were younger, and it was my fear too...It's not easy when one of your fears come true, and in some instances "not easy" is an understatement. I'm going to admit that from that point on tonight, I was...struggling. Trying my best to focus, and trying to hide that I was a bit emotional so as not to cause a disruption during our fellowship time.

My photo today is one of the verses we were focusing on...

Bear with me as I try to make some sense in what I'm trying to express here...I don't want to be all "Easier said that done Jesus." (I was gonna add the word 'mate' in there too, but thought that was really a step too far in my sarcasm). But having no fear, and 100% belief and trust in God isn't always easy for us. We're human. We fail, at many things. And then...many people look at a Christian and think "How on earth can you believe in God when *insert major incident* has happened?!"

Well, my answer is...when I DO remember that I can have no fear, and just believe, and trust, and hope in God. It's a wonderful feeling. Yes sure, bad things have happened to me. Being a Christian certainly does not mean I have an easy life. But the times that I'm struggling, are the times that I come closer to God. That I am Thankful for his great unmeasureable love for each of us. That no matter what I do wrong, how silly I am, how much nonsense I speak, he will always forgive me if I ask and love me eternally.

Ok... I hope I've made some sense. I feel I've inadequately put across what I wanted to say...but I need some sleep so I'm going to leave it there...we can reflect on it another time perhaps?


  1. Great verse an such a good one to cling on to. Wish it was my turn to go...I would have given you a hug!

    J xx

  2. Really nice blog Catriona - don't worry, it made perfect sense! Well, to me anyway :)
