Monday 14 February 2011

Day 45: Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

Leaving my blog post so late at night is a major downer on the quality of that days post...because there is so much I'd like to say, but simply can't figure out how to say it! And I don't want to end up staying up even later because I'm trying to force my brain to function. Ha. So I'll do my best to put across what I want to say...

I was at a 'Girly Night' a Valentines Day alternative. It wasn't easy turning down all the guys who asked me out to dinner, but it had to be done, spending the evening with my girls is much more fun! Ok, so I may have lied twice in that last sentence. No one asked me out to dinner, which I'm thankful for, because I dread ever being in a situation where I have to decline a date request. And, spending the evening with a bunch of girls doing girly stuff really is not my cup of tea. I wanted to go to the Guys Night instead. Ha. But, the wonderful woman who has organised this event for the last few years bribed me to go by buying something specifically for me only...

I look like a complete psycho in that photo, but I had to show you my special present. Which I didn't understand at first, I thought it was just like all the other face masks on the table...until, a good 5 minutes later, I realised it was a MAN on the packet...and the directions stated "Apply to clean, shaven face"...I laughed. A lot. Thank you very much Lynsey! You made my night! :) And I'm pretty sure the girls in my group are going to LOVE me for we are after applying our face masks...
Mine looks nothing like the man on my face mask packaging...I didn't scrape every last bit from inside...where as Laura totally did! Slimeball. Haha.

So anyway, the point in this evening was to cover up our depression about being single and not having men to buy us gifts and tell us we're pretty. Haha. Just kidding...but seriously. No, I'm kidding. The real reason for this evening was to put focus on the only One who truely deserves to have a place in the centre of our lives. And I'm wishing I'd taken more of the articles and passages that Lynsey had printed out for us because they had some very good things to say that I can't remember the exact wording of now!...The time in our lives which God gives us that wonderful man to look after us (or for the men, the woman to cook all your food and do your washing) is different for each of us. Some are quite young, for others it takes a few more years, and there are also many who God never inserts a partner in to his plan for us. I know personally that if that ended up being the case in my life, I'd be upset. There's no denying it, I'll cry! But, although our feelings and emotions change, God will never change, his love for us is eternal, and much more filling than the love of our boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse.

Ok, so I know that people may read this and think "You're single, of course you're gonna say all that." And yes, you could be right. But even if I had a man in my life, I'd still strive to make sure that he wasn't pushing God off the throne in my heart. God always needs to be the centrepiece. And I would thank him daily for providing someone I can share His grace and mercy with.

I hope what I've said tonight makes sense...and isn't just a random outburst without substantial backing! Maybe I'll try re-writing it at an early time of day...Oh my life, it's 11:57pm! I have to get up in 7 hours. Yuck.

I hope you've all had a lovely day!

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