Wednesday 9 February 2011

Day 40: Too much giggling

Giggling's a funny lookin word huh...I promised my sister I'd be in bed by 11:30...which leaves me 15 minutes to write my blog post, clear up all my mess, and get to bed...quite a challenge!

I better just get stuck in then...Today's been a pretty incredibly exciting day. I got a few pretty amazing goodies...the first being a car. AMAZING. The second being my studio lighting. AMAZING. And the third being a cuddly monkey for keeping me company in the car. AMAZING! I cannot wait to play with them all. They're going to be such a benefit to my business, I am so so super happy!

I collected the car at lunchtime this afternoon, and on the way home from work I decided to take it out for a practice Banchory, and went to see Sarah, Dave and Fin. It's Sarah and Dave's 4th Wedding Anniversary btw. AMAZING. Haha. Look at them now! Parents. CreyC. I love it. And that's when I received my beautiful monkey...tonight, not when Sarah and Dave became parents...although I do sometimes think of Fin as my monkey...but no. Oh dear, I have 4 minutes to get to bed. Doesn't look like that's gonna happen...don't tell Sarah. Here are today's photos, had to take a few...

I don't have a picture of JD (the car) yet, but the monkey's sitting in my passenger seat, so technically you are seeing my car. And the big black back with a rocket launcher type thing is my studio lighting kit! I look forward to setting it up and using Sarah, Dave and Fin as practice models...haha. The big flashing umbrellas should be interesting for Fin...normally I'm photographing him without a flash...

But sadly, Scotland's not always bright enough for that. I'll still try my best to use natural/available light, but this lighting kit is going to be very much appreciated when that's simply not possible!

I've just realised the title of this post is a bit odd as I've not explained it's significance yet...basically a loud giggle would escape from my mouth quite often during my drive's just so exciting! I feel JD and I are best friends already, and I look forward to the many roadtrips to come :)

Hope you've all had a good Wednesday :)

1 comment:

  1. That's one hey-ho of a good day! Love the photo of Fin and love that you included monkey in the valuable resources for your business. lols.

    hope you could sleep after such a day! Sarah x
