Tuesday 2 August 2011

Day 214: Photo Shoots Make Me Happy!

I wasn't feeling great this afternoon at work, despite a lovely lunch at Subway with Dave, playing Monopoly on his iPad, while JD got a nail removed from one of his tyres. My head was feeling pretty heavy, so I was a little fed up, and the moment the clock struck 5, JD and I started the smooth journey home.

While stuck in traffic, I decided I wanted to do something fun for tonight's blog post, out in the rain that we've been blessed with most of the day. I was thinking about what a woman on Etsy had said to me. I'd linked her to my website and blog, as I'm considering getting her to design a new logo for the business, and she was congratulating me on passing the half way mark for the 365 project. She had done one a couple years back with her kids, and agreed it was challenging, but great, as it made you photograph in all conditions. So, having a fear that it's going to rain on Matthew and Catherine's Wedding day (Sorry guys! Ha), and not being able to postpone it like their Pre Wedding Shoot! I decided I'd take advantage of the current weather conditions and try out another self portrait. That sentence was rather long...should probably learn some proper English...

So...guess where I went to take the photo...my new favourite place!! Haha. I had visions of a big open field with long grass, and I'd remembered there were a few perfect, accessible, spots at Castle Fraser. Hoping that there wouldn't be anyone else there due to the time and the weather, I put on my other Topshop bargain from the other week, grabbed my camera gear, and headed out the door, pinching one of Mum's roses as I went out).

There was one other car in the carpark, but the owners weren't in sight, so off I went to the field beside the overflow carpark. In my wellies, cream dress, and blue coat, with rose and tripod in hand, and camera over my head. There may not have been a human audience, but there Was an audience of cows...basically in the same field I was in. And as I was setting up the tripod and heard pretty much a stampeed not too far behind me, I began to panic that the flimsy fence that was set up between us wasn't infact electric, and I would soon be the first victim of "Planet of the Cows". But no, they stopped, and stared...
It was slightly off putting...but also hugely hilarious. I took about 7 or 8 photos, and then noticed a car coming along the road towards the Castle, and freaked out! What if it was the farmer who owned the field, and the cows, and he was gonna come over and ask me what on earth I'm doing with a camera, in his field, in a cream dress with a rose and his cows. Good story. So I quickly threw on my wellies (Yes, I'd taken them off. And the photo I chose for today's blog photo is the one when I noticed the massive pile of cow poop about a foot away from my foot)...
...not caring when I realised they were on the wrong feet! Climbed the fence, and nonchalant-ly walked back towards my car...as did the cows (minus the fence climbing thing)...
It wasn't the farmer.

Wowsers. It's been a while since I told you all a good long story like that, hasn't it! I hope you enjoyed it. I was certainly feeling a lot better after my adventure!

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