Monday 21 February 2011

Day 52: Cake...

I went to Dobbies for lunch with Ali, Dave and Miranda today...Miranda and I decided we wanted cake...
...don't worry, we had one slice between us, and couldn't even finish it! If I hadn't had a bacon, brie and cranberry panini, with crisps and salad, beforehand I'm sure I wouldn't have had any trouble finishing it! I took the photos quickly, and didn't think to check the focus cause I was too keen on tucking in to my panini! And I find it highly amusing that my camera decided to focus on the salad in the top left corner...rather than the yummy, scrumptious, delicious, unhealthy panini or cake. Mmmm, it was good!

Our sermon at church last night was about enjoying work, not simply enduring it and longing for the weekend...thanking God for Monday, not just Friday! So I tried to do that today. The cake certainly helped. But towards the end of the day I was definitely looking forward to getting home and relaxing for the evening. And I would just like to say I am SO thankful for JD!! Normally, I am one of those people you see sitting in the car, on their own, singing along to the radio/CD. But today that rose to a whole new level...I put the radio up pretty loud and sang to my hearts content, pretty loudly...and if I wasn't singing I was grinning rather massively. I probably looked like a right weirdo. But it felt SO good! It's great having the opportunity to wind down and chill out, it's a necessity I say. And I know many people have kids to come home to after work, so what I suggest is build a big cage in the back garden...throw in some sweets, and lock the door once the kids run in! Then go have a cuppa. HA. Just kidding of course. Wind down once you've kicked them off to their beds.

I love JD, I even went for a wee cruise round Westhill before going home after work because our drive home together wasn't long enough...good times. He loves my singing, and foot and hand tapping...but always makes sure I'm paying full attention to the road and any possible hazzards around me, of course.

I have two pieces of exciting news to tell you all. I found out last night that there was space for my advert in the next issue of the Westhill Bulletin, woop woop! Here's hoping 1 person viewing 1/4800 copies notices it and gives me a call. And secondly, my photos have been published IN AN ACTUAL MAGAZINE!!! Yeah sure, they didn't put my name in there, bit still. I was pretty excited...which is a complete understatement. The magazine is Sew Hip (issue #26 if you feel like buying it...ha). Sarah has designed a few patterns for them over the last couple years, and her most recent one was baby hats. So, of course, Sarah suggested to them that I take some photos of Fin modelling them. Cause Fin's gorgeous, and I'm amazing. HA. And they were like "Yeah, sure!", well I don't actually know if that was their exact response...but something similar I'm sure. And now my photos are in a magazine!!! Here are the photos Sarah sent me once she bought a copy, using our mobile phone devices...

Once I get hold of a copy I'll take some snaps and upload them...or you could pop along to your nearest WHSmith and buy a copy...then contact Sew Hip to ask them who the amazing photographer is!

Oh woaw, I've just realised how much I've talked tonight...sorry! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's blogpost, as I should be incredibly relaxed...tune in tomorrow to find out more! Haha. Toodles!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I found a CD in my car last week with the likes of Five, Shania Twain, Venga Boys.... I was having a whale of a time :)
