Thursday 3 February 2011

Day 34: What a fantastically yucky evening!

I took the self portrait earlier this afternoon, just before the rain hit! I wanted to show my pretty new denim dress that I got in Glasgow. I loves it. So I popped out in to the back garden and rested my camera on the garden table, guessed the focus point with my 50mm lens, popped the timer on, and positioned myself as much in shot as I could. If I wanted to get my head in I wouldn't had to move the table, cause I no longer have a tripod! And that table aint light. But I wasn't fussed. It was the dress I wanted you to see, not my face, AGAIN.

And then when I was working away on the laptop I started hearing the rain hitting the window. I also loves the rain. As long as I'm indoors...and if I'm walking outside then it's only allowed to rain if I'm not heading to work for the next 8 hours. Ha. So I thought I'd take a photo of it for the blog too. Which I'm sure you're all very excited about! Ha.

I'm going out for dinner tonight with Rachael, one of the wonderful girls who made my time at college so amazing! It'll be a perfect end to a rather good day. I know I've said it before but I am so thankful for all the wonderful people who are in my life. I'm very very lucky to have so much love and support. I hope they all know how much I appreciate it, and I hope I am able to give others that much love and support too.

I submitted an enquiry about putting an advert for my business in to the next Westhill Bulletin in March. Eeek. The deadline's tomorrow, so I may be too late to get a space. I have no idea how these things work! It would be pretty exciting if they had enough space for's a 100 page booklet filled with articles and adverts, but about 4800 copies of it go out in Westhill and surrounding areas. So surely at least one person will notice my advert and go look at the website! Ha.

Hope you're all having a good week, it's almost the weekend already!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, shucks! :)

    I love love love today's image! You must make a lookbook! :)

