Tuesday 8 February 2011

Day 39: Familiar sight...

I realised it was getting rather late and I hadn't taken my blog photo. So, I grabbed my camera which was sitting happily beside me, and just photographed what was in front of me...my laptop...phone...TV remotes...teacup socks...the usual! It's really quite shocking how often this is the view from my eyes. Although, can I just point out, I'm not THAT tall. This photo was taken from above my head...ha. But yes, I need to be more disciplined in the way I use my laptop...whether that's switching it off for the evening...or if I really really must do work, then go sit at the table with it, and wear my glasses! A whole evening can disappear before I realise I've been on the laptop the whole time...quite often doing something on Photoshop though, it's not like I'm on singles chat rooms or something weird like that. Lol jokes Rach, it's totally fine that you do that!

On another note, guess who's on the telly tonight...Mmmmmm.
I'm not gonna stay up late again tonight though cause I watched Die Hard 4.0 quite recently, so Brucey's ok with me just heading off to bed.

Today's post is short and sweet. I want to hear all about YOUR day, how are you? Did you do anything exciting? Are you watching Brucey too?

1 comment:

  1. The blog says you posted this at 14.03, I presume that's American time?

    My day was well routined, we are fine, I ordered an anniversary card from moonpig with photos on and everything, no I am not watching Brucey. good stories. :) Sarah xx
