Friday 4 February 2011

Day 35: Cupcakes!!

It's quite shocking really...this is the first time that cupcakes are featuring as my daily blog photo...35 days in to the year! CreyC. It's also the first time I've tried out my wonderful cupcake stand, don't you love it?! It should be a permanent feature. I'll just have to make cupcakes every week.

I've not actually eaten any of the cupcakes yet...I don't want to ruin the display till everyone else comes over and see it...ha. I should've made extras. Sarah, Dave and my amazing, gorgeous, squidgey, cute, wonderful newphew are hopefully coming round for Chinese tonight. Poor Fin's been full of the cold this week though :( Sarah's been giving me updates, and it's sounded awful. Poor little guy. He'll be getting extra squidges and kisses from me if they're able to come over...and if that's even possible actually. I give that boy so many's not gonna be easy stopping when he's older...when I'm not allowed to give him kisses infront of his friends. Sad times. He'll just have to get embarassed. Haha.

So...who wants a cupcake? Oh wait, sorry, they're all mine. OK fine, whoever gets here first can have one. The icing was a bit of a fail, it's not as thick and puffy and amazing as it should be. I realised afterwards that I'd put in 50g less icing sugar than I was meant to. Woops. I did try adding in more to thicken it before I realised, obviously it didn't total up to 50g though. I just assumed my food colouring had ruined the know?'s amazing I'm not a cupcake/icing master by now. You'd think I'd have it down to a tee since I'm so obsessed. It still tastes amazing though! Looks aren't everything n all that...ha.

Oooh. Mumsy's just got home, apparently Sarah,Dave and Fin are on their way. Woop Woop! Party's on. Have a good weekend!

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