Saturday 26 February 2011

Before and After

Sarah wanted me to show her what I'd learnt during my mentoring session on Tuesday night. So we got one of the photos I'd take at Duthie Park the other week and opened it up in Photoshop, and I proceeded to show her some of the things Andee does with her photos, with a few things of my own thrown in there too. And this is what we came up with about half an hour later...
It's pretty extreme when you see the original photo, which was already very nice to begin with! Just a little cold and dull looking. But it's pretty impressive to see what you can do using Photoshop. The photo was very grainy to begin with since it was getting late in the day, and it was winter, so I couldn't shoot at a lower ISO. But yeah...I like it, it was interesting doing things a little differently to what I normally do!

The strange thing is...I still really really like the before image! Whereas normally, I'd look back on the before image and think "Woaw, yeah. Glad it doesn't look like that anymore." Feel free to tell me your thoughts, no matter how brutal. This is all about experimentation and learning!


  1. Very nice indeed, especially the sky!

  2. I love it! Maybe the glow around them could be a bit more subtle but I lovvvveeee the effect!
