Sunday 4 December 2011

Day 338: Weekend Away 2011

Can I just start off by saying I'll never think my house is cold Ever again. I can't believe how cosy I am right now...without a hoody, or thick socks, or a blanket, or even a scarf. Amazing!

Now, despite the cold, it's been an excellent weekend! Our theme this year was Friendship, and we had Jonathan Watson leading our talks throughout the weekend. We focused on friendship with God, the most important friendship of all, and how to strengthen it. We looked at being 'in the world, but not of the world', having God at the centre of our hearts, not worldly objects, lifestyles, or emotions. And friendship with one another, and what is important to care for and strengthen one another in our walk with God. Jonathan was very easy to listen to, which is great when you've been up till half 4 the previous night.

It's always so great living with a group of wonderful Christians for a whole weekend, and having new faces each year. But also, those who weren't present this year, after being part of it for years, were greatly missed!

I have no idea how many times I've attended the Weekend Away, but I was remembering being one of the little ones, whose bedtime was far too early on Friday night, and the moment the ceilidh finished on Saturday night...but now I'm one of the oldies...the workers, beyond student age. I'm supposed to be wise now! Instead I'm just tired, and losing my voice.

After a delicious bowl of soup, I'm off to my bed! Ready to start the week with a rested body, and a mind filled with encouraging messages of God's word.

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