Wednesday 5 January 2011

Day Five : Welcome back Worthingtons :)

I'm pleased to say the Worthington family are once again in the country(via Paris)! Hooraaaaay! I went over to Aberdeen Airport (first time I'd ever been inside it. Very exciting.) after work to help transport them, and their large quantity of luggage, back to their flat with Rob Grant. It's lovely to have them back! I'm pretty sure Anya grew an inch or two.

They don't know anything about my blog, SURPRISE GUYS! You got your own post. I hope you get a super duper amazing sleep tonight. Wrap up warm, it's a tad cold here.  I should probably change all that to past tense, because let's be realistic...what're the chances of them being on Facebook right now? Ha.

On a random note, just finished watching Iron Man 2. I love that film! Toodles x


  1. Thanks Catriona. : ) We had a great night's sleep totaling 13 hours or so. Do we really need to get up now though? You're certainly right about the cold!
    I'm excited to see your blog (as I did not know about it yet) and to keep up with it.
    Lynsey x

  2. You most definitely do not have to get up! Stay in your pj's all day at least. x
