Saturday 12 January 2013

Day 11/365

Whenever we have a quiz at a Church youth event, there's inevitably a 'Bible Round', and I am always quick to confess "I am going to be absolutely no use at this one" or "My Bible knowledge is rubbish". To be honest I'm not that great at any of the other rounds either, but let's not get in to that right now.

I think it's safe to say there are quite a few chunks of my Bible that I haven't laid eyes on yet, even after being raised in a Christian family and having read daily devotionals for many years, and last year I had a growing desire to broaden my knowledge...Unfortunately my desire to READ wasn't very strong (why didn't they have cameras back then, then I could've sat down with tea and cookies and WATCHED the Bible), and the thought of reading through the entire bible was pretty takes me long enough to read a book with 300 pages in it (and large font!).

A friend had mentioned months previously that she has a Bible In One Year, and the thought of something structured, broken down in to achievable sections, mixin' it up a bit with a lovely song or poem, the good news of Jesus alongside an Old Testament passage each day did sound much more feasible.

So, today, when I finally got myself in to town for my new devotionals (I know, I'm over a week late), I had a look in the bookshop for a Bible In One Year, and decided to go for it! I'll need to set aside some time tomorrow or next week to catch up on the days I've missed, or roll them over to next year, but hopefully I'll keep on track from here on, as my daily devotional is something that needs to get a bit more priority in my life! God simply need to get a bit more priority in my life.

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