Friday, 28 October 2011

Day 300: Norm's Debut

This is Norm, the frog, looking fresh after his surgery. You see, Norm was in an accident tonight...he was pushed off a wall and lost his arms, and legs, and toes. It was a terrible moment. And the person to blame for this horrific incident was none other than...the absolutely wonderful Katherine Sced!! :D She's back in town for a few days, yay! And, thankfully, she brought Tom along too. Tom was Norm's surgeon, and he did a pretty darn good job bringing Norm back to his totally creepy, lanky self.

You're probably wondering what on earth is going on in front of Norm...they were all starting a game which was both terrifying, and hilarious. I'd explain it to you but it's totally pointless, and it's LATE! So I'll just say we had such an amazing night filled with laughter, slight embarrassment, and blue fish hunting :)

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