Monday 27 June 2011

Day 178: Rainy Bench Monday

So, I wanted to find a bench, that had a massive puddle in front of it, so that I could create the above masterpiece (ha). But, when I realised I had no clue where I'd find such a bench, I decided just to go to Crathes Castle, hope for the best, or just stand on any old bench. On arrival, I noticed a few picnic benches down beside the kids play park...and saw that two of them had been pushed together...which meant they weren't cemented to the ground. So...I dragged one a few metres, down to the path, where there happened to be this beautiful puddle! Good story huh. I'm thankful it was after closing time, and no one was there to see me vandalising public property. Apart from three old Italian men who parked next to me, and went to photograph the castle, each with their individual cameras and tripods. Good times.

Here's a humorous fact for you, the me that's standing on the bench, is actually the me who's really close to falling backwards off the bench because it's really slippy and I can't balance on my heels in sandals.

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