Thursday 6 March 2014

Day 3/365

My number one fan! I met this lovely lady for coffee on Monday night, and had the idea of holding my camera, telling her I was starting my blog again, and photographing her reaction...but the words came out my mouth before I'd taken my camera out the bag, and I was gutted I didn't have my camera ready because she reacted just the way I thought she would! There were jazz hands and everything! Instead we settled for a beautiful photo of her happy grin, pretty sure I made her day. Haha.

Spot the beautiful ring on the finger...Miss Megan's leaving us this summer, once she graduates, and getting married to her best friend over in America! I'm full of mixed emotions, obviously! I'm going to miss her greatly, but I'm very happy she's going to be starting her new life with Benjamin, after 4 years of living in separate countries, only seeing each other on holidays, when she goes back to her Parents' home in the States.

I'll need to keep the blog going so she can keep up to date with life in Aberdeen! I'll get emails of harassment if I don't...

1 comment:

  1. See if you can arrange to take many more photos of this girl during the next 365 days. :)
