Monday, 9 July 2012

Week 27/52 : The View From Up Here

"These are a few of my favourite things!"

Next week's theme is 'Peaceful'...which will be a challenge, no doubt, with the arrival of a 2 and a half year old and a 6 month old tomorrow for a couple days...then a roooooad trip down to the Lake District at the weekend!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Week 26/52 : Portrait Without a (Whole) Face Visible

We've reached the halfway point, people! Can you believe we're halfway through the year already?! I certainly can't, and to be honest I'm slightly terrified...where have the last 6 months gone?? Jeepers.

Do you like my mug? It was a birthday present. LOVE. It's a big 'un 'n all! Ok, I'm going to find out if I have anything to eat for dinner.

This week's theme is 'The View From Up Here'...maybe I'll go climb a tree!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Week 25/52 : Friendship

So the plan was to get some super cute photos of Rach and I this past weekend while she was up visiting. But the rain put a slight dampener on that :( It was pouring before we went out for dinner on Saturday night so we just took some photos inside...while my icky old camera and on camera flash. Many of you won't understand how horrible the words "On camera flash" are to a photographer. But, anyway! This photo of Rach was taken with my old camera also while we were enjoying dinner and cocktails at Chiquitos. Yum! I thought I'd go for the grainy instagram look...haha.

And this is what happens when you ask my Mother to take a nice photo of you...

I need to confess that this 52 project is no where near as enjoyable as my 365 project was. It is tempting to give it up...but, I won't. Instead, I'm just going to use a theme from Paint the Moon each week, rather than thinking up my own. I have used a few in the past, with slight adaptions. And, looking at the theme for their Week 25; 'Captured from Above', that's the opposite of my 'The View from Down Here', which I did plan on doing at some there we go! Ha.

I like the theme for last week "Portraits Without a (Whole) Face Visible" so we'll go with that for Week 26...the half way point!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Week 24/52 : Rain or Shine

So, many of you will know that I was up in Lewis last week, and, for the first time ever, I was up on my own. I was excited to be going up, but not as excited as usual, due to the thought of being a loner on my birthday etc. But that soon passed, as I did a wee giddy dance when I walked through the living room of my Granny's old house.
I. Love. Being. There.
I unloaded the car (took a few'd think I was planning on moving up or something, I had that much stuff), then made some tea and toast, and settled down to watch Dirty Dancing. Good start to the trip!
The following day was my birthday, so I woke, rather early, to discover various text messages and Facebook notifications from lovely people and proceeded to make breakfast and watch The Fast and the Furious...because, let's face it, watching Paul Walker and fast cars is a great way to celebrate your birthday! Then I made lunch, and headed off to my favourite beach for the afternoon with my camera, in the beautiful sunshine! I sat on the empty beach and enjoyed my lunch, climbed a big rock while some tourists appeared and looked up nervously, ate my birthday cake, and took some photos!
Some of you may remember when Katherine and I went to Lewis last June, and I lost my sunglasses while on a wee walk along the coast...well, this year I decided to climb the hill behind Garry beach, and when I reached the top I discovered a loch (see bottom right image above), dumped my jumper, fleece, rucksack...and sunglasses on the ground and plonked myself down at the side of the loch. When I got up again to head back down the hill I packed my jumper and camera in to my rucksack, trudged down through the heather filled hillside (and almost slipped a few times), only to realise when I reached the bottom, that my sunglasses were neither over my eyes, or on my head...they were at the top of the hill. Sob. So, there are now two sheep roaming the hills with my sunglasses on.
The following two and a half days were filled with movies, food, tea, driving, walking, photo-ing sunsets, beautiful families, and lovely couples on the beach, and relaxing on the sofa by the window enjoy my surroundings. 
I. Love. Being. There.

*Note* The bottom left image was taken on Friday night, on my return to Vatisker after the first engagement shoot...the first time it rained all week. Oh! And the top right image is the side of a boat. YUM. I want a boat.

The theme for week 25 (...almost half way!!) is 'Friendship' :)

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Week 23/52 : Texture

Mm mmm mmmm! I love texture!

Next week's theme is 'Rain or Shine', because I'll be out on the beach/cliffs/machar in Lewis, with my camera, tripod, camping seat and flask whether it's raining, or glorious sunshine!

Monday, 4 June 2012

Week 22/52 : Beauty in the Unexpected

I don't know about you, but I think this shot of these totally dying flowers is rather beautiful! They have since been binned, but isn't it wonderful what you can keep alive with just a quick push of a button?

This weeks theme is 'Texture'.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Week 21 : Calm

I've separated this week's photos in two so that you can have a better look at just how calm and peaceful this beautiful spot by the river is. I nipped out to Aboyne on Wednesday afternoon, to be met by 26.5*C heats and no sounds except the flowing water...and some blokes car alarm for a few seconds...but that was just a wee snippet in my time there. I LOVE to visit spots like these, pretty much anywhere that's got water, I'm happy, but this place is beautiful. You're sheltered from the wind, the sun beats through the trees...and the water just flows on by. It would be a wonderful spot for a photoshoot!

I'll  hopefully be taking friends along to this spot tomorrow afternoon, which will no doubt be a far less calm and peaceful visit (I bought a couple inflatable rings this afternoon for some water fun)! Unless I decide to keep its location a secret, and find a different spot instead...haha.

I can't believe I'm getting this post up so early...I have to think what next week's theme's gonna be...let's go for 'Beauty in the Unexpected'.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Week 20/52 : Yummy

Yummy is Mumsy's home made soup...Mmmm mmm mmmm, yummy!

Yummy is also...CUPCAKES!!
This week's theme is 'Calm' :)

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Week 19/52 : Black & White

After driving to Crathes Castle, only to realise I didn't have money for parking or for getting in to the walled garden, and then debating whether to go to Old Aberdeen or to Castle Fraser instead, but deciding that it was too sunny at Castle Fraser (I know right! Too sunny?! I'm never happy), I ended up using my back garden.

Apologies for my goosebumped legs.

The theme for next week is 'Yummy'! Because I thought I would buy a blueberry cheesecake muffin while I was at Crathes today, but my lack of monies deprived me of one, or two.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Week 18/52 : Guess What

Absolutely fascinating mixture of photographs for you this week...pretty sure you can guess what they ALL are. There's a bit of sunshine bursting through the clouds because I was just so amazed to see it after such horribly rainy days.

Pretty sure the photo on the bottom left could sell for millions if I put it in an Art Gallery.

Next week's theme is Black & White...I don't often go monochrome in my photos, so this week's going to be experimenting with that!

Monday, 30 April 2012

Week 17/52 : Pattern

I always come up with an idea for a theme at the start of the week, but once I've set that theme I no longer think my idea really fits with it. And when I set the theme 'Pattern' I most definitely wasn't planning on photographing myself in my dress, no matter how pretty it is. I was thinking of natural patterns in the landscape/everyday surroundings...I'll need to come up with a more distinct theme title for that another time. But for now just enjoy my pretty dress.

I thought it was hideous the first time I saw it, but now I'm in love. Good story, huh?

The theme for week 18 is Guess, no need to guess, that's what the theme is...'Guess What'...ho ho ho. So basically random arty abstract photos of whatever you can find :) Have a good week! (I can't believe it's May tomorrow...I Actually can't believe it. I'll be 23 in a month and a half...but Rachael will be 23 in half a month ;) She loves it when I bring that up :D I'm excited!)

Monday, 23 April 2012

Week 16/52 : Spring

I love Spring time! The nights are getting longer, and the world's just a happier place...when it's not snowing...The trees and flowers are blossoming, and filling the world with colour again...when it's not snowing...And you can get excited that summer's coming next...even though it'll probably actually just snow...

But, despite the crazy weather we've been having, I managed to get a few pretty photos. Don't you LOVE the trees on that wall?! I want to have a wall like that one day. Yum.

Next week's theme is patterns :)

Monday, 16 April 2012

Week 15/52 : Laughter

I absolutely loved this week's theme :) Capturing someones laugh in all it's glory is wonderful! I was staying with my cousins this weekend while their parents were away, and we were out for a wee photo shoot at some ruins on Saturday afternoon (a few photos from that too come later), and at the end they kindly let me take photos as we made each other chuckle. I got Coinneach to take photos of me, even though my laugh makes me look like Miss Piggy...I didn't even pick the worst won. Haha.

Week 16's theme is may have sprung a couple weeks ago...but for me it's not official until my tree blossoms :)

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Caitlin & Angus | Sneak Peak

It wasn't just fun adventures and no work last week, I did some work just so happens that my work is super fun!! I met up with Caitlin & Angus at the beach in Vatisker with their Mum on Thursday morning and we had some fun on the sand, running through water, and looking for rocks. I loved being able to pick up my camera and be at the beach for a photo shoot in just 2 minutes!

Here are a few Sneak Peaks, hope you like them...

Monday, 9 April 2012

Week 14/52 : Adventure

Cassia and I had an absolutely wonderful week in Lewis! Can't believe that this time last Monday we were cosied up in my Granny's old house, watching the A-Team, after successfully sneaking on to the evening ferry. I pretty much showed Cassia every part of the Island, including a visit to Harris, the only place we didn't venture in to the heart of was Lochs...sorry!

I'm so thankful we managed to wiggle JD on to the ferry, despite not having booked him on, as without him the adventure would've been far more limited. He's been to the Island 3 times now...may have punctured his front left shoe on his first visit to Uig, but he's adjusted to the treacherous conditions now and loves a bit of bumpy road action. We had to get him in on one of our photos during the week :)

The photo of Cassia on the bottom right is probably my favourite...she's experiencing the cold blast from the waves at the Port of Ness, on a calm day. Haha. Well, that was actually the day it snowed/rained/blew/sunshined/snowed/sunshined/ was a laugh! That was also the day we climbed rocks...some of us higher than others...but photographic evidence of that will come later, on Facebook.

The theme for week 15 is Laughter, so get your old joke books out and bring on the snorting :)

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Week 13/52 : White/Negative Space

I've had the lovely Katherine staying with me since Thursday night, and so far we've have two beautiful days of sunshine! Yesterday afternoon was spent at the seaside, then we went out for dinner (introducing Katherine to Wagamama's for the first time. Ooooh yeaaaah), and then went to see Dirty Dancing...let's just say it's a good thing I have good eyesight, as we were sitting on the very very very very last row possible to sit on, riiiight at the top of the theatre. Haha. We laughed past it though, and thoroughly enjoyed the show! Then today we went for a 3 hour walk out around Loch Muick, and although the temperature dropped quite a bit today, the sun still shone and our walking pace kept us warm. It was such a beautiful walk! God's creation is magnificent.

After a wee trip to Tesco for some flowers, and a quick run up a hill in a field for the image on the right, above, we then went to get Chinese takeaway and are currently slouched on the sofa with our pj bottoms on, watching Avatar, enjoying relaxing! It has been such a great couple days, but the visit aint over yet :)

Now, since I'm taking Cassia up to Lewis on Monday, for her first time ever, I'm thinking next weeks theme should be 'Adventure'. It should be pretty easy to snap some photos of that throughout the week!

I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend :)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Week 12/52 : Blue

 Fin had a sleepover at Granny Stewart and Auntie Trina's house on Friday night, and in the morning we were out in the back garden enjoying the misty morning chill (waaaay before the sun broke through). Fin had his cool blue wellies on for his adventures of ball kicking, step chillin' with his Aunt, fresh cut grass flinging, high pitched laughing, running and wheel spinning. He loves being outside! He's not reached the stage of mud pies yet...not that I've witnessed anyway, but no doubt he'll get there in time.

The theme for Week 13 iiiis...'White Space' (or Negative Space), which is basically a photograph that is about 90% nothingness, like the tips of trees and then just beautiful empty sky :) Please please please feel free to join in at ant point. I really do love seeing other peoples photos!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Week 11/52 : Chaos

I chose this week's theme in anticipation of running around like a headless chicken on Thursday and Friday, trying to get the handbook printed for the Youth Conference, and just getting myself organised to head down the road on time...Well, I managed to get 100 copies of the handbook printed with only one ink toner needing replaced, one paper jam, and one ink toner needing a wee shake to scrape the remains.

Before and after the mainly stress free handbook printing, I had visits from Sarah and Fin...the photos say it all really. Wouldn't it be nice to go around in life wiping ravioli sauce on your face and hair without caring??

Next week's theme is 'Blue', the colour, not the band, because it's my favourite...if you hadn't guessed.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Week 10/52 : You've Been Framed

This/Last week's post is late because I had a computer free weekend! It was pretty good; roaming the highlands on Saturday with three Americans (see above), then out for a delicious lunch yesterday afternoon, and just enjoying the sunshine!

This week's theme is 'Chaos', and I chose that because the Youth Conference is this weekend, and I have visions of me being completely disorganised for it, packing my bag at the very very last minute...and trying to cram tray bakes in to my car with everything else.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Week 9/52 : Shadow

Well, this wasn't what I had in mind for this week's theme, but I love it all the same! I came across this beautiful shadow when looking through a wedding by one of the oh so many American photographers that I follow. It's such an excellent idea for ring shots! 

Next week's theme has been stolen from this week's Paint the Moon's 52 Project theme 'Framed', but I'm changing mine to 'You've Been Framed'...just cause I want to. So you can get someone to photograph you falling off a chair (Sarah...we must find that video we made...), or compose an image with beautiful framing.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Laura's Shoot - Part 3

 This is the third and final set of photos from my shoot with Laura at the end of January. We'd been at Crathes for over 2 hours by this point, so Laura was being a complete star putting up with me! Haha. I absolutely love this tree that's in one part of the walled gardens, so had to try out a few photos...

 I love it when my witty comments make people smile!

 You can tell the cold's getting to her a little bit by this point, when she starts being a Shopping Channel presenter...

 Then we snuck inside the green house for some warmth. I love these next two shots...

 She loves her plants...

 I'm so funny! Hehe. I love your face Laura :)
 And she's going to hate me for this one, but it cracks me up every time...
Well, that's it...they've all been blogged! Now I think I'll choose some for pretty prints :)

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Week 8/52 : Smooooooth

This week's 'Smooth' theme got me a wee trip to the seaside, in the sunshine, on Friday morning :) Happy days! And of course I had to get a photo of Fin; what's smoother than a baby's cheeks?

Next week's theme is 'Shadow', I love it when people post their own photos on the Facebook page, so feel free to have a go!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Week 7/52 : Love

I had hoped to find an old married couple to photograph in the park the other day for this weeks theme, but no such couple was found on my walk. So alternative items were chosen to accompany the wonderful words from 1 Corinthians 13, which tell us what Love truly is.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

I hope you've all had a great week, whether you were doing something special on Valentines Day or not. I personally had a lovely evening, filled with pizza, chocolate hearts, chick flicks, and chicks.

Next week's theme iiiiiis...'Smooth'.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Laura's Shoot - Part 2

Here it is, folks! It's taken me a while to get it blogged, but here is Part Two of Laura's shoot at Crathes Castle. If you didn't see Part One, you can see it here. We went in to the walled gardens on the Castle grounds for this part of the photo shoot. Usually I go straight ahead, or turn left when I go in to the gardens, so this time I decided to check out the right side...and oh how I'm glad I did! I love this spot...

 I'm absolutely in love with these photos! Laura is beautiful, and the outfit was perfect for the location. We done gooooood! My outfit, however, was rather hilarious...Laura may have been freezing her pretty head off, but I was layered up with my coat, camera bag, Laura's handbag, her bodywarmer (inside out...), and occassionally the hat. I'm sure I looked slightly ridiculous. But, the old couple who walked past with one of the gardeners a couple times gave us wonderful smiles, and comments about how the sun had disappeared (I didn't mind, I was loving the overcast light!), and no strange looks whatsoever!

 This is a fave, for sure!

I managed to tear myself away from the gate, and we strolled around the rest of the garden. I love the baby bushes lining this pathway, and the mushroom tree in the background. You can also just make out the Castle. Love.

 Gotta love a bit of The Poetical Works of Robert Browning while you're chilling in your garden...

 A couple more faves...

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. I hope you guys liked them!

There are actually more photos from inside the walled gardens, so I think there'll be a Part 3 on the blog soon. Hopefully tomorrow :)