Monday 18 June 2012

Week 24/52 : Rain or Shine

So, many of you will know that I was up in Lewis last week, and, for the first time ever, I was up on my own. I was excited to be going up, but not as excited as usual, due to the thought of being a loner on my birthday etc. But that soon passed, as I did a wee giddy dance when I walked through the living room of my Granny's old house.
I. Love. Being. There.
I unloaded the car (took a few'd think I was planning on moving up or something, I had that much stuff), then made some tea and toast, and settled down to watch Dirty Dancing. Good start to the trip!
The following day was my birthday, so I woke, rather early, to discover various text messages and Facebook notifications from lovely people and proceeded to make breakfast and watch The Fast and the Furious...because, let's face it, watching Paul Walker and fast cars is a great way to celebrate your birthday! Then I made lunch, and headed off to my favourite beach for the afternoon with my camera, in the beautiful sunshine! I sat on the empty beach and enjoyed my lunch, climbed a big rock while some tourists appeared and looked up nervously, ate my birthday cake, and took some photos!
Some of you may remember when Katherine and I went to Lewis last June, and I lost my sunglasses while on a wee walk along the coast...well, this year I decided to climb the hill behind Garry beach, and when I reached the top I discovered a loch (see bottom right image above), dumped my jumper, fleece, rucksack...and sunglasses on the ground and plonked myself down at the side of the loch. When I got up again to head back down the hill I packed my jumper and camera in to my rucksack, trudged down through the heather filled hillside (and almost slipped a few times), only to realise when I reached the bottom, that my sunglasses were neither over my eyes, or on my head...they were at the top of the hill. Sob. So, there are now two sheep roaming the hills with my sunglasses on.
The following two and a half days were filled with movies, food, tea, driving, walking, photo-ing sunsets, beautiful families, and lovely couples on the beach, and relaxing on the sofa by the window enjoy my surroundings. 
I. Love. Being. There.

*Note* The bottom left image was taken on Friday night, on my return to Vatisker after the first engagement shoot...the first time it rained all week. Oh! And the top right image is the side of a boat. YUM. I want a boat.

The theme for week 25 (...almost half way!!) is 'Friendship' :)

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