Last week, when I was thinking about coming to the end of my 365 project, I was thinking back on the whole year, and didn't feel like I'd really achieved anything...I certainly haven't progressed my business as much as I'd hoped, in some ways I don't understand where the year has gone...and wonder what on earth I did every day!
But, on Thursday night I sat and looked through the blog, looking at every photo from Day 1 to Day 364, trying to pick my favourite. And many of you will probably have gone a little crazy seeing so many blog posts filling up your Facebook wall. Apolgoies! But it was pretty emotional! For starters, I simply can't believe I actually did it! There were days that were late due to migraine interruptions, or Internet failures, or staying up till 5am...ha. But I actually took a photo every day for the whole year...a whole year!! I guess that's a pretty good achievement.
And I photographed my first two weddings!! That's a massive achievement for me too. I'm really pleased and excited to say I have more to come over the next year :) I love a good wedding!
Looking back at every photo has made me realise that I've had a pretty darn amazing year! It's certainly had it's ups and downs, with many moments of me questioning whether I was taking the right path in different situations. Asking for God's guidance, but then wondering if I was going ahead and doing things my way in the end anyway, ignoring His response. And I'm still questioning certain situations! But I need to remember to stop talking things over with myself in my head, and let God in on every conversation too.
Putting aside the, mainly trivial, worries I've had, I see a year full of moments spent with wonderful encouraging people, both Christians and non Christians. I think back to how my friendships with some of those people have grown significantly throughout the year, and I love that! I've seen the steps of Finlays growth over the year, literally. Seeing him going from just a wee riggley baby, to crawling, and then walking, no longer so little! And I see that I have in fact taken one or two rather nice photos in the last 365 days, ha.
I know I have a lot of work to do in 2012, and I think my New Year's Resolution is to find confidence in myself, and the abilities God has given me, and use that confidence to get the name of Blue Door Photography out in to the wider population and become an accomplished business woman. Blog posts will not cease after this, I am planning on doing a 52 week project...and perhaps continue Bench Monday...or a variation, as an extra. But I am aiming to make my photos more business focused each week.
And with that all said...without further is the final photo of my 365 project for 2011...
An evening at the Smiths, yet again surrounded my wonderful and encouraging people, an excellent way to finish one year, and start the next.
Happy New Year Everyone :) And thank you very much for joining me on this epic project, I hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have! Don't remove me from your Bookmarks just yet though, keep an eye out for exciting new projects of 2012 :)