Saturday, 31 March 2012

Week 13/52 : White/Negative Space

I've had the lovely Katherine staying with me since Thursday night, and so far we've have two beautiful days of sunshine! Yesterday afternoon was spent at the seaside, then we went out for dinner (introducing Katherine to Wagamama's for the first time. Ooooh yeaaaah), and then went to see Dirty Dancing...let's just say it's a good thing I have good eyesight, as we were sitting on the very very very very last row possible to sit on, riiiight at the top of the theatre. Haha. We laughed past it though, and thoroughly enjoyed the show! Then today we went for a 3 hour walk out around Loch Muick, and although the temperature dropped quite a bit today, the sun still shone and our walking pace kept us warm. It was such a beautiful walk! God's creation is magnificent.

After a wee trip to Tesco for some flowers, and a quick run up a hill in a field for the image on the right, above, we then went to get Chinese takeaway and are currently slouched on the sofa with our pj bottoms on, watching Avatar, enjoying relaxing! It has been such a great couple days, but the visit aint over yet :)

Now, since I'm taking Cassia up to Lewis on Monday, for her first time ever, I'm thinking next weeks theme should be 'Adventure'. It should be pretty easy to snap some photos of that throughout the week!

I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend :)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Week 12/52 : Blue

 Fin had a sleepover at Granny Stewart and Auntie Trina's house on Friday night, and in the morning we were out in the back garden enjoying the misty morning chill (waaaay before the sun broke through). Fin had his cool blue wellies on for his adventures of ball kicking, step chillin' with his Aunt, fresh cut grass flinging, high pitched laughing, running and wheel spinning. He loves being outside! He's not reached the stage of mud pies yet...not that I've witnessed anyway, but no doubt he'll get there in time.

The theme for Week 13 iiiis...'White Space' (or Negative Space), which is basically a photograph that is about 90% nothingness, like the tips of trees and then just beautiful empty sky :) Please please please feel free to join in at ant point. I really do love seeing other peoples photos!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Week 11/52 : Chaos

I chose this week's theme in anticipation of running around like a headless chicken on Thursday and Friday, trying to get the handbook printed for the Youth Conference, and just getting myself organised to head down the road on time...Well, I managed to get 100 copies of the handbook printed with only one ink toner needing replaced, one paper jam, and one ink toner needing a wee shake to scrape the remains.

Before and after the mainly stress free handbook printing, I had visits from Sarah and Fin...the photos say it all really. Wouldn't it be nice to go around in life wiping ravioli sauce on your face and hair without caring??

Next week's theme is 'Blue', the colour, not the band, because it's my favourite...if you hadn't guessed.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Week 10/52 : You've Been Framed

This/Last week's post is late because I had a computer free weekend! It was pretty good; roaming the highlands on Saturday with three Americans (see above), then out for a delicious lunch yesterday afternoon, and just enjoying the sunshine!

This week's theme is 'Chaos', and I chose that because the Youth Conference is this weekend, and I have visions of me being completely disorganised for it, packing my bag at the very very last minute...and trying to cram tray bakes in to my car with everything else.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Week 9/52 : Shadow

Well, this wasn't what I had in mind for this week's theme, but I love it all the same! I came across this beautiful shadow when looking through a wedding by one of the oh so many American photographers that I follow. It's such an excellent idea for ring shots! 

Next week's theme has been stolen from this week's Paint the Moon's 52 Project theme 'Framed', but I'm changing mine to 'You've Been Framed'...just cause I want to. So you can get someone to photograph you falling off a chair (Sarah...we must find that video we made...), or compose an image with beautiful framing.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Laura's Shoot - Part 3

 This is the third and final set of photos from my shoot with Laura at the end of January. We'd been at Crathes for over 2 hours by this point, so Laura was being a complete star putting up with me! Haha. I absolutely love this tree that's in one part of the walled gardens, so had to try out a few photos...

 I love it when my witty comments make people smile!

 You can tell the cold's getting to her a little bit by this point, when she starts being a Shopping Channel presenter...

 Then we snuck inside the green house for some warmth. I love these next two shots...

 She loves her plants...

 I'm so funny! Hehe. I love your face Laura :)
 And she's going to hate me for this one, but it cracks me up every time...
Well, that's it...they've all been blogged! Now I think I'll choose some for pretty prints :)